Monday, October 18, 2010

Dialogue on Climate Stifled by Political Two-Step.

I hereby propose a new television show. It will be a hit in the current election season: Dancing with the Stories... A Two-Step Flow of (mis)Information.

When it comes to accepting scientific information as fact, even facing decades of peer-reviewed and publicly available data, top political leaders can still sway the "debate" toward head-in-the-sand willful-ignorance. Case in point: Dick Cheney and other top Republicans who deny the existence of human-caused climate change.

By stating that there is not enough solid data (total rubbish), these "leaders" are influencing a two-step flow of (mis)information to the detriment of all. Why would certain politicians find it beneficial to perpetuate such views? How does the role of corporate money come influence what politicians view as pertinent or relevant issues?

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